Writing on Ancestral Trauma, Healing, and Psychedelics

Seth Lorinczi Blog on Punk, Psychedelics, and More

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Seth Reads! Hear an Excerpt from "Fatherland"

Photo by the talented Alexandra Becker-Black

Is Listening Believing? Hear an Audio Excerpt from “Fatherland”

In a recent newsletter, I shared that I'd been asked to read at "Oregon Jewish Voices 2022." The event was a blast, and I was humbled by the fact that some >80 of you tuned in via Zoom to catch it, in addition to the live audience. And it got me thinking.

Recording an audiobook version of "Fatherland" has been in my plans from Day One. And when I heard the Zoom recording of the reading, I knew I could improve on the less-than-stellar sound quality. Being a former audio person, I set up a simple rig to rerecord my bit here at home.

If you're curious about the book and want to get a sense of its flavor, you can listen to the roughly 6-minute reading above. It's called "The Man on the Corner" and it's about an early (and puzzling) introduction to my family's concept of Jewishness. If you're a Washingtonian, the corner in question is 27th and Q, NW (and the incident a reminder of what Georgetown was like in 1980!). 

Note to parents (and the sensitive): At the 3:15 mark, there's a single word some of you may find offensive.

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