Writing on Ancestral Trauma, Healing, and Psychedelics

Seth Lorinczi Blog on Punk, Psychedelics, and More

I still blog, but I now use Substack as my regular newsletter platform. Find my page here.

Seth Speaks! Lungfish and the Intersection of Psychedelics and Punk (Part 2)

I recently spoke with Brian Gathy (host of not one but TWO Dischord-centric podcasts) about Lungfish and my intersection with the band over the years. It’s a blast to revisit that time and that special connection, and you can hear the second half of our conversation here (I join the conversation about halfway through). In it:

-More on the shambolic Lungfish / Circus Lupus tour of 1993
-Lungfish as the most probing and ambiguous of Dischord bands
-The ability of music (and psychedelics) to re-inspire awe and gratitude

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